Monday 6 June 2011

Meet Amanda Huggenkiss - Philematologist

1. How did you get your name? 

A:  I hug and kiss a lot.  It's called Philematology - the art and study of kissing.  I'm whatcha call a Philematologist.

2. So what do you like most about philematology?

A:  It's a great way to lose  weight, and I get to try out all the different kinds of kisses. 

3. There are different kinds? 

A: Oh, yes.  There are " Well I Never!" Kisses (that's what they say, but in my experience they have and do).   There are  soul kisses, vampire kisses, public kisses, greedy kisses, bipedal kisses, froggie kisses, Venus kisses, Mars kisses ... the list goes on! And I've tried them all, but trying something once really isn't a very scientific approach to study.  So I repeat as necessary.  And sometimes even when it isn't.

4. You mentioned it helps with losing weight?

A:  Yes!  2-6 calories per minute so the studies say.  How do you think I keep my girlish figure?

5. Do you have a favorite kiss poem?

A: Here's one by Marot I love:   "Kiss her gently, but be sly/ Kiss her when there's no-one by/Steal your kiss for then 'tis meetest/ Stolen kisses are the sweetest."

6.  Is there any danger in kissing?

A:  Oh yes one must be cautious as there are "sick kisses"  The kissing disease, strep throat,  head lice,  trench mouth,  cold sores,  stubble rash. But despair not... Get yourself a kissing shield and go right to town!

7. Any future kissing goals? 

A: Yes!  To date I have kissed over 989,764 people, I want to get to 1,000,000.  So send all the lonely people you meet to me!     

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