Thursday 9 June 2011

Ask Miss Heartthrob

Our own Miss Heartthrob happily answers questions on matters of the heart (and liver and spleen).  

Q:  I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. Last week I saw him at the movies and he was kissing another girl. He says it was his cousin, but they kissed through the whole movie. What should I do?

A:   He's cheating!! Tie him in a sack and throw him the river.  And if they are still kissing, throw her in too.

Q:   My boyfriend keeps asking me to marry him. I'm not ready yet. What should I do?

A:  He is too demanding.  Tie him in a sack and throw him in the river.  

Q:  I am a 40 year old man who has a crush on my boss. She doesn't know it. What should I do?

A:   Workplace romances are often a bad idea. But if you want to pursue this you need to let her know how you feel. Either she will feel the same way or you may have to tie yourself in a sack and throw yourself in the river.  

Miss Heartthrob would be delighted to take questions from the general public.   Send us your questions at  Then tie yourself in a sack and throw yourself in the river while you wait for a reply.

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