Thursday 25 September 2014

In Response

In response to the article regarding Paige Cunliffe's story, I would like to share my experience living in a long-term care facillity.

When I was only 33 years old, due to personal circumstances I found myself in need of a place to live. I called my Father and being the great Dad he is, he said he would go and look at places for me and about a month later he told me he had found a place and we went together to have a look.

It was a long-term care facility in my home town. I was not thrilled about having to live there with elderly people but with being on a fixed income at the time, there really were no other options for me. It was hard for a few reasons. The ambulance would come often and it didn't take long to figure out why. The facility's house rules were pretty strict; if I was not home for supper I would not get supper, (they would throw it out). The facility had a curfew and I missed it once and I found myself locked out. I also wanted to take some daytime programming but long-term housing is very expensive and it was absorbing most of my disability support funds.

A new staff person got hired at this facility and we hit it off. She is a good listener and I felt safe sharing my concerns and frustrations with her. I was relieved one day when she told me she was going to buy a house and that she would take me in as a border. True to her word, she did. That was on May 2nd ,2002 and 12 years later I am still living with her and her family.  I have a high level of independence, have goals I am working toward, and feel more in charge of my own life.

I know the frustrations that happen when you are forced to live a life-style that is not your truth. I hope the government of Canada is listening to Paige and her supporters and to the rest of us who have had to live in long-term institutions before our time.

In closing, I would like to say, that the path I took towards more independence might not work for everyone but if it helps even one person, it will have been worth the time it took to share this story.

Joey Blacquiere

See Paige's Story by clicking on the link below:

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