Thursday 25 September 2014

Giving a Gift That Lives On

Joni received her 25th Donation pin on Tuesday, September 23, 2014.

My mother at the age of 17 gave birth to a baby girl she named Joni Lee. That's me. When I turned two and a half, the daycare I was attending had an outbreak of chickenpox. I contracted it and became severely ill. I had to be air lifted to the IWK Hospital in Halifax. There I had to get an I.V. implanted in my left arm because I was taking so many seizures and had to get blood transfusions in order to have a chance to survive. When I came out of the coma after three months, the medical team soon discovered that I couldn't feel the right side of my body, partial paralysis due to brain injury.  However, the chickenpox was no match for the folks that had my back! The medical team at the IWK worked with my parents and they got me walking and talking and participating in life again!

At my High School they have Blood Drives and as soon as I was allowed, at the age of seventeen, I signed up. People at that time asked me why I wanted to do it and I told them it was simple... to give back for what I got when I was two and a half. Still to this day I continue to give blood. It's a good feeling I get knowing what I give is going to save lives.

I want everyone to give blood if they are able. Here are some good tips that have helped me.
  • Remember to take your Blood Donor card or if it's your first time, take your ID or Drivers License.
  • Drink a lot of water (makes your blood flow faster so you get it over with quicker).
  • Eat raisins or blueberries to keep up your iron (you need a high iron to give blood).
  • Eat before you give blood so you don't faint.
I like their saying, “Blood: it's in you to give.” It is. So please do.

Joni Miner    

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