Thursday 5 July 2012

On Monday, June 25th, the staff and clients at PCC Inc. located here in Summerside were visited by guest speaker, Nils Ling, Executive Director of the Learning Disabilities Association of PEI and Madison White, a young woman who has overcome being 50 percent deaf and having severe dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Madison has just recently finished her first year of the Education program at UPEI and is soon to enter her second year. She shared her difficult journey through the PEI educational system.

Madison said, "School was really really hard for me due to the nature of my disabilities. I found writing very challenging in school, and having a fifty percent hearing loss it was very difficult to hear or understand a teacher who was not facing me. "

Madison shared how she overcame the limits of disgraphia with hard work, assistive technology and help from educators who believed in her and admired her fire and determination.

Her goal now? To be a resource teacher and guide and inspire others in their journeys. When asked if there was something she learned from the experience that she'd like to pass on to us, Madison said "Keep trying. Never give up. Demand what you need. There is help out there but you have to advocate for yourself and ask."

On behalf of the EOV team we'd like to say, "All the best Madison! You Totally Rock! Go shake up the world!"

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