Thursday 7 June 2012

EOV Interviews Jolee Patkai about her Up and Coming "From The Heart" Concert

 Both, Jolee and her  husband, Julius  lost their fathers to heart disease. Jolee's father, Thane Campbell died from causes related to his stroke two years ago, and Julius's father from a  heart attack. They died two months apart, so it really shook their family up, losing two grampies in under two months.

The biggest challenge in putting this event together, says Jolee "was getting up the guts to just go ahead and do a show that would be centered around my original songs and Patsy Cline covers. It's scarey to put yourself out there.  You hope people will want to come out to see you perform. My husband Julius has been busy promoting the event, creating posters and working with Heart and Stroke Foundation for the show and the performers joining me on stage have given so generously of their time for this very personal cause.   They are all great friends of ours and wonderfully talented musicians and relate to the cause, there is hardly any family, anywhere, who has not been touched by heart disease."

Joining Jolee on stage will be Lester Stubbert, who is spear heading the band, which consists of Davy G on bass, Gil Nowlan on Steel, Bob Gagnon on drums, Lester on guitar and vocals, Rita Watts on vocals and her good friend, Mr. Nils Ling, will Emcee the event from the kindness of his heart!

"It has been such a joy putting this show together. Working with these people and hearing how wonderful everything truly sounds. Singing songs that mean so much to me, with wonderful backup musicians and vocals is an amazing thing! Both Julius and I will be so happy to be able to give to this very important foundation and along with the other performers, are working hard to make it a success." says Jolee.

 She shared that their hope for this upcoming event is to accomplish two things: First, raise awareness of the foundation and heart disease, and secondly, raise funds to help finance much needed support and awareness of heart disease. And, of-course, she added that they hope folks enjoy the show as that is paramount in making future events happen.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation work hard to promote heart health and awareness. Jolee shared how this is something she personally appreciates and values. Says Jolee, "I personally feel it's veryd important to do to all I can to ensure my heart stay healthy. I walk every morning with my neighbour, and we don't just saunter along, we boogie. Let me tell you, we sweat buckets and I try to eat right; cheerios for breakfast, hold off on the bread and butter and basically, just watch my food intake. I make a conscious effort to try to keep stress down, which is not always easy in a busy life but we all must try to do this. Don't sweat the small stuff!"

For anyone who is interested in doing fundraising for Heart and Stroke contact the foundation in Charlottetown.  Jolee shared that she and her husband appreciate all the support they have received from the Heart and Stroke Foundation with the upcoming event. "They have been very supportive with us, helping with ticket sales and getting the word out there! My husband Julius has been the one to do the PR work, and he is the engine behind this train, so to speak. You have to be able to organize and just go out there and talk it up! When it's for a great cause, it is way worth the effort! We just hope we get a great turnout to the shows and are crossing our fingers and toes!"

In closing Jolee shared "We are truly looking forward to Friday, June 15th and Saturday, June 16th and any shout outs will be very much appreciated! We need to fill those seats people! I, Jolee, and the talented people who are backing me up, will do our very best to put on a show you will enjoy and all for a great cause, The Heart and Stroke Foundation!"

The following is a link to the Guild page:


  1. I'm excited to be part of this show for a bunch of reasons: . Firstly, Jolee and Julian Patkai, who are putting this event together, are good friends who have been very generous in pitching in with their time, talents, and efforts on my projects, so when I heard they were organizing a pair of concerts I wrote to them offering my help in any way they saw fit.
    Secondly, I never miss an opportunity to work with very talented people. I always learn something and it is always refreshing and fun. And thirdly, having had my own brush with heart problems, I believe deeply in the cause for which the concert is being staged.

    As for my own personal commitment to health, I have begun to eat more healthily – a diet with more fibre and far less sugar than I formerly had. I have begun hiking and walking to get better exercise, and I am quitting smoking.

    If people want to join in the efforts of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, I'd invite them to come to the concert, of course – it will be a very entertaining show, and a portion of the proceeds go to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I also encourage people to donate to the Foundation – either money or, if they cannot afford that, their time as a volunteer.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to reply. We enjoy reading all responses to our articles.
