Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas Greetings from EOV


                                                            On Behalf of the E .O. V.  Team
 I would like to take this time to wish everyone 
a Happy and Safe  Holiday Season surrounded by your loved ones!  

Merry Christmas and a very Happy and  Prosperous  New Year  to all!


Joey Blacquiere on behalf of the Eye Opening Views Team

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Spooky Fun In Summerside with Wyatt Heritage

  Summerside Wyatt Heritage Ghost Walk 2012

Joni Miner recently interviewed two folks who were out and about during Wyatt Heritage's Ghost walk this year; Edward Greencorn about his first experience attending Wyatt Heritage's Annual Ghost Walk and Catherine Dickson who is a repeat performer with the Ghost Walk. 


Edward shared he had enjoyed the Ghost Walk experience immensely. He was impressed at how well done it was and felt the first vignette was a perfect mystical start to the whole experience.

 "It was really mystical and I loved the part where the kids involved were Circling us  and chanting. It was a very unique experience but overall the whole experience was amazing; the costumes were quite believable for the time periods and the weather was wonderful so there was no fighting off the cold and the rain and we were able to concentrate on the acting.  I really liked too that the experience was more of a haunting experience than a scary one... although buddy in the coffin was quite impressive! But really, the lines were well crafted and made it clear and interesting as to what they were talking about and what period of time they were drawing from. We will definitely be going back next year but next time we're taking along more friends and family!"


Catherine shared that she looked forward every year to participating in the Ghost walk and her many reasons why.

 "This was my fourth year  performing but hopefully not my last.  I've been the ghost of a few residents of Summerside, a woman who died in a fire, a pirate that ended up throwing herself in the ocean, and repeat performances of a Pagan Celtic leader.  I love performing the Celtic leader as it sets the tone and it's fun to delve into my Celtic ancestry but regardless of which ghost I represent I love that I'm supporting  Wyatt Heritage and their arts programs. Marlene Campbell creates new vignettes for each year, all based on actual people that lived or visited in Summerside at one point in time or another and their deaths and whenever possible she tries to have the vignettes performed where the people lived and/or died. Marlene is such a creative force and Summerside is blessed to have her. 

Overall it is always a wonderful experience. It's wonderful to come together with other members of your Community (some you know  and some you don't) make new acquaintances and support an event that supports and elevates the Community so absolutely.  However this year it was even more of a heart warming experience for me because my son was asked to be involved as well. So it was something that the artist in me always delights in but this time the mother in me was also given an opportunity to share that experience with my son which was thrilling.  

Thank you Edward and Catherine for your time.  

E.O.V Team

Joni Miner, Joey Blacquierre and Shawna Chappell

Eye Opening Views

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Victoria By The Sea Chocolate Festival 2012

On Saturday, September 15th, the some members of the E.O.V. news team hopped in the van and headed out to beautiful Victoria By The Sea to take in some of the picturesque village sights and their delicious 5th Annual Chocolate Festival. 
The village streets were filled with the smiling faces of chocolate lovers from all over; locals, Islanders and tourists all munching and/or sipping happily on their favourite chocolate candy and drinks.  But sampling wasn't all that was taking place.  Chocolate Chess tournaments, Buskers, Street Musicians, Best Brownie Competition and judging, seminars on how to eat chocolate, Chocolate therapy sessions and more!

Be sure to take in next years Chocolate Festival in beautiful Victoria By the Sea!
You won't be disappointed!
(story and photographs by EOV Reporter, Joni Miner)

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Elisha's Story

Elisha Savoie

Elisha Savoie was diagnosed as having Epilepsy before she turned the age of two and has been on medication ever since. From the time she was a baby she had symptoms which her mother, Tania Peters, didn't recognize as being caused by illness. Tania said “I use to notice that she was scared , it looked like she was seeing things that made her scared. She would hold on really tight to me but I didn't realize she was sick.”

She has different kinds of seizures that affect personality, thought processing, including language and Speech. Her epilepsy causes within her brain a cluster of short seizures that start and stop suddenly. Sometimes she will take as many as 10 – 20 or more seizures, one right after another. Tania shared that Elisha has also experienced generalized seizures over the years, that have effected the whole of her brain and believes they have caused some damage.

Most recently, in 2002 Elisha went to Halifax to see if she could have surgery to remove the part of her brain where the seizure activity was happening but they dicovered her seizure activity was all over herbrain, not in one place. At that time they decided to try a Cyberonics Vagus Nerve Stimulation (V N S), which is a implant. It has not completely stopped her seizures but her mother feels it has helped her. Normally, when Elisha would experience a seizure, she would not be able to recognize people around her, loose bladder control, use expletives, run away and sometimes enter other's homes by mistake not realizing where she was.

The journey with epilepsy has been a difficult and lonely one for Elisha, often when she would take seizures around folks who didn't know her, they would just think she was acting strange and not realize she was experiencing an epileptic seizure. This often left her feeling confused and misunderstood. 

Today, however, Elisha would describe her life as being much happier.  She loves to sing at benefits, volunteers with Special Olympics and in her spare time likes to spend time with her boyfriend, Joey and with her other friends.  

"All in all" says Elisha, "the future is looking pretty good."

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Summerside's New Bus Service

                                                                      Take   Transit    Today

 The Citizens of Summerside got a special announcement recently informing them that Mr. Cassidy from Trius  tours and the City of Summerside have worked out an agreement and they will be working together on a one year pilot project that started on July 3 rd. City council are willing to participate in this pilot project for service for the City and will see how it goes over the next year. 436-7272 or1(902) 566-9962

Fun Summer Drink to Help Keep You Cool

Fun Summer Drink to Keep You Cool

Keep some canned fruit in your freezer and you can whip up this refreshing and fruity slush in a snap.
  • 2 cans of fruit packed in heavy syrup (peaches and pineapple work especially well)
  1. Seal the canned fruit in a zip-lock bag and place the bag in the freezer.
  2. When the kids are hot and thirsty, submerge the bag in a bowl of hot tap water until the fruit is slightly thawed (about a minute).
  3. Pour the syrup into a food processor and slide the frozen fruit onto a cutting board. Chop the fruit into small chunks and put them in the food processor. Blend the fruit and syrup until smooth, from 30 seconds to 2 1/2 minutes, depending on the type of fruit. Serve immediately. Makes 4 half-cup servings.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Summer Trivia

Submitted by Shawna Chappell

"Dog Days" (Latindiēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the Northern Hemisphere, the dog days of summer are most commonly experienced in the months of July and August, which typically observe the warmest summer temperatures. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather.

The Romans referred to the dog days as diēs caniculārēs and associated the hot weather with the star Sirius. They considered Sirius to be the "Dog Star" because it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog). Sirius is also the brightest star in the night sky. The term "Dog Days" was used earlier by the Greeks (see, e.g., Aristotle's Physics, 199a2).
The Dog Days originally were the days when Sirius rose just before or at the same time as sunrise (heliacal rising), which is no longer true, owing to precession of the equinoxes. The Romans sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that the star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather.
Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time "the Sea boiled, the Wine turned sour, Dogs grew mad, and all other creatures became languid; causing to man, among other diseases, burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies." according to Brady’s Clavis Calendaria, 1813.
The modern French term for both this summer period (and for heat waves in general) "canicule", derives from this same term. It means "little dog", again referring to Sirius. (Found on Wikipedia)

"One reason a dog can be such a comfor when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why" - Author Unknown

Summer Nibbles

Crab Salad
Submitted by Joni Miner

2-3 lbs. Crab (Imitation works best)

1 bunch of celery (finely diced)

1 lb. finely grated cheddar cheese

½ bunch green onions (chopped)

2 ¼ Tbsp. lemon juice

2 cups mayonnaise

¾ cup Miracle Whip

This is the brand of Imitation Crab that I use. 

I have tried several different brands but, this is by far my favorite. 
This is what the crab looks like after you've diced and flaked it apart. 
My kids actually like to eat it just like this.

Summer Poetry to Inspire and Delight

A life without love is like a year without summer. - Swedish Proverb

Summer Poetry to Inspire and Delight

What is one to say about June? The time of perfect young summer, the fulfilment to the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.  - Gertrude Jekyll

Thursday, 5 July 2012

On Monday, June 25th, the staff and clients at PCC Inc. located here in Summerside were visited by guest speaker, Nils Ling, Executive Director of the Learning Disabilities Association of PEI and Madison White, a young woman who has overcome being 50 percent deaf and having severe dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Madison has just recently finished her first year of the Education program at UPEI and is soon to enter her second year. She shared her difficult journey through the PEI educational system.

Madison said, "School was really really hard for me due to the nature of my disabilities. I found writing very challenging in school, and having a fifty percent hearing loss it was very difficult to hear or understand a teacher who was not facing me. "

Madison shared how she overcame the limits of disgraphia with hard work, assistive technology and help from educators who believed in her and admired her fire and determination.

Her goal now? To be a resource teacher and guide and inspire others in their journeys. When asked if there was something she learned from the experience that she'd like to pass on to us, Madison said "Keep trying. Never give up. Demand what you need. There is help out there but you have to advocate for yourself and ask."

On behalf of the EOV team we'd like to say, "All the best Madison! You Totally Rock! Go shake up the world!"

Thursday, 7 June 2012

EOV Interviews Jolee Patkai about her Up and Coming "From The Heart" Concert

 Both, Jolee and her  husband, Julius  lost their fathers to heart disease. Jolee's father, Thane Campbell died from causes related to his stroke two years ago, and Julius's father from a  heart attack. They died two months apart, so it really shook their family up, losing two grampies in under two months.

The biggest challenge in putting this event together, says Jolee "was getting up the guts to just go ahead and do a show that would be centered around my original songs and Patsy Cline covers. It's scarey to put yourself out there.  You hope people will want to come out to see you perform. My husband Julius has been busy promoting the event, creating posters and working with Heart and Stroke Foundation for the show and the performers joining me on stage have given so generously of their time for this very personal cause.   They are all great friends of ours and wonderfully talented musicians and relate to the cause, there is hardly any family, anywhere, who has not been touched by heart disease."

Joining Jolee on stage will be Lester Stubbert, who is spear heading the band, which consists of Davy G on bass, Gil Nowlan on Steel, Bob Gagnon on drums, Lester on guitar and vocals, Rita Watts on vocals and her good friend, Mr. Nils Ling, will Emcee the event from the kindness of his heart!

"It has been such a joy putting this show together. Working with these people and hearing how wonderful everything truly sounds. Singing songs that mean so much to me, with wonderful backup musicians and vocals is an amazing thing! Both Julius and I will be so happy to be able to give to this very important foundation and along with the other performers, are working hard to make it a success." says Jolee.

 She shared that their hope for this upcoming event is to accomplish two things: First, raise awareness of the foundation and heart disease, and secondly, raise funds to help finance much needed support and awareness of heart disease. And, of-course, she added that they hope folks enjoy the show as that is paramount in making future events happen.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation work hard to promote heart health and awareness. Jolee shared how this is something she personally appreciates and values. Says Jolee, "I personally feel it's veryd important to do to all I can to ensure my heart stay healthy. I walk every morning with my neighbour, and we don't just saunter along, we boogie. Let me tell you, we sweat buckets and I try to eat right; cheerios for breakfast, hold off on the bread and butter and basically, just watch my food intake. I make a conscious effort to try to keep stress down, which is not always easy in a busy life but we all must try to do this. Don't sweat the small stuff!"

For anyone who is interested in doing fundraising for Heart and Stroke contact the foundation in Charlottetown.  Jolee shared that she and her husband appreciate all the support they have received from the Heart and Stroke Foundation with the upcoming event. "They have been very supportive with us, helping with ticket sales and getting the word out there! My husband Julius has been the one to do the PR work, and he is the engine behind this train, so to speak. You have to be able to organize and just go out there and talk it up! When it's for a great cause, it is way worth the effort! We just hope we get a great turnout to the shows and are crossing our fingers and toes!"

In closing Jolee shared "We are truly looking forward to Friday, June 15th and Saturday, June 16th and any shout outs will be very much appreciated! We need to fill those seats people! I, Jolee, and the talented people who are backing me up, will do our very best to put on a show you will enjoy and all for a great cause, The Heart and Stroke Foundation!"

The following is a link to the Guild page:

Thursday, 16 February 2012


Eye Opening Views: Keeping An Eye On Summerside's STORM:


Thursday, 19 January 2012

A Red Red Rose - Robert Burns

Oh my luve is like a red, red rose, 

That's newly sprung in June: 

Oh my luve is like the melodie, 

That's sweetly play'd in tune. 

As fair art thou, my bonie lass, 

So deep in luve am I; 

And I will luve thee still, my dear, 

Till a' the seas gang dry. 

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, 

And the rocks melt wi' the sun; 

And I will luve thee still, my dear, 

While the sands o' life shall run. 

And fare thee weel, my only luve! 

And fare thee weel a while! 

And I will come again, my luve, 

Tho' it were ten thousand mile! 

by Robert  Burns

Submitted by EOV staff reporter Shawna Chappell

Jan Quote

 Adventure Bay is  a  Convenient The and safe
 place for any number of ships to take in wood and
 water during The Summer months : but in The winter,
 when The Southerly  winds are Strong, The surf , on
 all parts of the shore  makes the landing exceeding troublesome .

 by Willam Blight

 Submitted by eov reporter Shawna Chappell


Monday, 9 January 2012



Summited by EOV staff reporter Joey Blacquiere