Monday 25 July 2011

Looking to be healthier - 10 Tips to help you along the way!

1. Set a goal of trying one new fruit or vegetable every week.
2. Keep a bowl of fruit on your desk at work.
3. Switch from ice cream to frozen yogurt.
4. Substitute Sweet Potatoes for regular baked potatoes or fries.  You'll get more vitamin A.
5.Get more fiber.  Add canned beans or a handful of nuts to your salad.
6.Take the stairs, not the elevator.
7.Don't email your office mate.  Walk down the hall and deliver the message personally.
8. Get a dog.  Commit to walking 10 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night.
9. Buy a soccer ball.  Kick it with your kids or neighbor.
10. Buy shoes at the end of the day when your feet are more swollen from use.

For more tips, visit:

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