Thursday, 25 February 2016

2016 Interview with Mayor Bill Martin

Joey: Mayor Martin, Thank you for meeting with us today. To start, we'd like to ask you what your experience has been like as the Mayor of Summerside? Is it what you expected it to be?
Mayor Martin: No, it has not been what I expected it to be. My experience has been fun, frustrating, surprising, and insightful. And I have discovered that as Mayor, you have no authority. You attend council meetings but you don't get to vote unless there is a tie. I do get to speak but I rarely do unless I feel strongly about something.
Joni: Can you tell us what the average day is like for you as the Mayor?
Mayor Martin: There is no such thing as an average day. There is no such thing as predictability. I have committed to being accessible. For example, I answer my own phone. It tends to shock people. However, I can tell you about today. Basically I got here a little later then normal, about 9:15am. I had 2 or 3 messages and a bunch of cheques to sign, a bunch of emails to deal with, had lunch with a company that is potentially bringing 300 jobs to Summerside, now I'm being interviewed by you,  I have a 2 pm meeting with some folks that want to do some promotional work for the city, at 3pm I am being called by some folks from the university they want to do a 1 hour interview me as an entrepreneur and at 7pm this evening I am going to the bowling ally because the Lions Club are hosting their annual bowling for the blind so there is no such thing as an average day.
A thing that is a bit surprising is what people think the Mayor can do. I can't make parking fines go away and I can't help you with your neighbors other than to direct you to police services. It's amazing what people think you can do.
Joni: Has transparency been what you thought it would be?
Mayor Martin: No, it has not. We have a transparency policy and a set of recommendations and are working within that. We are far more transparent then we use to be. Most things take place in public session.
Joey: What is a project that the city is currently working on that you are personally exited about?
Mayor Martin: There are many projects in the works and there is one that is to be announced in a matter of days. I I am exited about the Prince Alex Spa. It's a 31million dollar 5 star resort that is scheduled to open. I believe it is going to be a game changer for the city.
Joni: What do you think are the city's greatest assets? What are some weak areas?
Mayor Martin: I would say our greatest assets would be our Credit Union Place, our Boardwalk, our water treatment facility, a beach that you can swim in, a beautifully protected harbor, a state of the art hospital, 31 electric charging stations free of charge, the air base, and our work as a City towards becoming age friendly city.
Joey: What do you in vision for the city over the next 25 years?
Mayor Martin: Wow, really good question. I think this city is a hidden gem. People come to community's and jobs follow people, so I think the city will likely expand its borders. I think it's reasonable to assume that some bordering communities might become part of Summerside which will be serviced by 'water and sewer' as opposed to 'well and septic' which will enable new subdivision growth, will enable more green space, bike lanes, walking lanes, and green spaces. I also think that the city in 25 years will be 100 % reliant on wind energy, no fossil fuels.
Joni: Thank you so much Mayor Martin for the interview today. We wish you well.