Thursday, 19 May 2016

Some words from a future Summerside Deputy Mayor (2017), Norma McColeman

EOV - One of your campaign initiatives for Ward six was to foster collaboration with the City's faith community on hosting initiatives and events in the City of Summerside. In your opinion,how successful has this initiative been thus far?

Norma McColeman- In response, I'm finding it is important to develop good working relationships within the City's faith community. This has been my focus in my role as Councillor as a starting point. Simply to find ways to work with and foster a good rapport and by showing support of their initiatives or at least announcing them at Council. Secondly, I have attended various events that have taken place at the local church's at different times of the year whenever I can, whether it is a concert, a special presentation, a guest speaker, or providing an information session to groups such asthe Summerside Christian Council. I believe the effort has been somewhat successful as there have been partnerships and working relationships developed for any future initiatives hopefully, as time permits.

EOV -  During your election campaign your passion to be present and represent those in need wasmade obvious. One of your desires mentioned was to review affordability of community events and services for Summerside residents on limited resources. Can you share with our readers how you have already and how you continue to work towards this goal?

Norma McColeman - One thing I have found being on Council is sometimes it takes a number of efforts to get people involved. I frequently work with people who live in poverty and are the working poor just trying to make ends meet. Understanding the reality of the way they live is based on the comments they have shared. In advocating on their behalf, I try to be mindful of such things within the City when anything is offered in the community. In discussions at Council it is important to remind people not everyone can afford fees, and ask questions around what can be provided so families and individuals on limited sources of income can also enjoy family outings on a limited budget. I believe the City tries to provide inclusion for our residents enjoy and participate with such things as the Boardwalk, outdoor skating rinks, and walking trails at Rotary Friendship Park and Heather Moyse Park & Gardens. At Credit Union Place there have been specially priced bracelet days for children and youth to use the facilities which have been very popular cost saving endeavors. Three other very well attended cultural and recreational initiatives offered in the heart of Summerside at Wyatt Heritage Properties are the "Old Fashion Carnival" with amazing attendance for families and individuals as a kick off to the summer season; as well, the regular weekly musical concerts held at the Wyatt Heritage Properties grounds is another opportunity to enjoy affordable and inclusive entertainment for our residents. The numbers prove how successful these events are and what they mean to our community and residents. The third initiative is "Nature Fest" taking place in the fall at Heather Moyse Heritage Park & Gardens to celebrate nature's beauty and harvest season and free family fun in the heart of the community. As well, the City has been working with the folks of"Age Friendly City" and looking at the measurements and benchmarks we need to meet. To make our community welcoming to our residents and visitors. This has been an important initiative to work as a municipality. We are a work in progress. It is the great staff and creative team efforts of the City of Summerside departments working together that makes them happen. My role is to continue to support and attend them, promote them and make sure I advocate for them at City Council. Mayor and Council are very supportive of these great events! They are very important to our residents of all ages, and promote an active vibrant community.

EOV - What are your current hopes for the Summerside Downtown Area?

Norma McColeman - There are many downtowns across the Maritimes and within Canada that are struggling to define themselves, and foster a vibrant and thriving area to meet, eat, and shop. Our downtown core has really been working hard to establish initiatives and an active community place. Through the BIA* (Business Improvement Area) many downtown business people have worked hard to establish themselves and create a niche to draw people down to them. It takes time, but I do feel collectively we are really working hard to make our downtown viable and people friendly. Through such wonderful initiatives once again such as: the Lobster Festival, Summerside, Farmers Market, Culture Summerside, Downtown initiatives / free concerts, and other summer cultural events hosted at Green's Shore and the Boardwalk, all contribute to our Downtown core.One hope I have is that our downtown area begins to experience a turn around as so many people want to see it revitalized with unique shops, public activities, and the businesses there thriving.

EOV - In your opinion, what is Summerside's greatest asset ?

Norma McColeman - Certainly it is Summerside's people! The creativity, the talent and gifts our people have to offer is amazing! They love their community and its events and support it in many ways. Secondly,we have the most beautiful assets that sell our seaside community naturally: The Boardwalk, the amazing beach, and green spaces and parks we have just minutes away from us as residents, the legacy of our heritage homes and the fact that as a community we have an entrepreneurial spirit to always want to make our City of Summerside a better place to live, work, and play. I love my community and am very proud of it and it's people !
We need to always believe in our community and its possibilities!

EOV would like to Thank Ms. McColeman for making time for this interview. We wish you well with all your endeavours!