Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas Greetings from EOV


                                                            On Behalf of the E .O. V.  Team
 I would like to take this time to wish everyone 
a Happy and Safe  Holiday Season surrounded by your loved ones!  

Merry Christmas and a very Happy and  Prosperous  New Year  to all!


Joey Blacquiere on behalf of the Eye Opening Views Team

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Spooky Fun In Summerside with Wyatt Heritage

  Summerside Wyatt Heritage Ghost Walk 2012

Joni Miner recently interviewed two folks who were out and about during Wyatt Heritage's Ghost walk this year; Edward Greencorn about his first experience attending Wyatt Heritage's Annual Ghost Walk and Catherine Dickson who is a repeat performer with the Ghost Walk. 


Edward shared he had enjoyed the Ghost Walk experience immensely. He was impressed at how well done it was and felt the first vignette was a perfect mystical start to the whole experience.

 "It was really mystical and I loved the part where the kids involved were Circling us  and chanting. It was a very unique experience but overall the whole experience was amazing; the costumes were quite believable for the time periods and the weather was wonderful so there was no fighting off the cold and the rain and we were able to concentrate on the acting.  I really liked too that the experience was more of a haunting experience than a scary one... although buddy in the coffin was quite impressive! But really, the lines were well crafted and made it clear and interesting as to what they were talking about and what period of time they were drawing from. We will definitely be going back next year but next time we're taking along more friends and family!"


Catherine shared that she looked forward every year to participating in the Ghost walk and her many reasons why.

 "This was my fourth year  performing but hopefully not my last.  I've been the ghost of a few residents of Summerside, a woman who died in a fire, a pirate that ended up throwing herself in the ocean, and repeat performances of a Pagan Celtic leader.  I love performing the Celtic leader as it sets the tone and it's fun to delve into my Celtic ancestry but regardless of which ghost I represent I love that I'm supporting  Wyatt Heritage and their arts programs. Marlene Campbell creates new vignettes for each year, all based on actual people that lived or visited in Summerside at one point in time or another and their deaths and whenever possible she tries to have the vignettes performed where the people lived and/or died. Marlene is such a creative force and Summerside is blessed to have her. 

Overall it is always a wonderful experience. It's wonderful to come together with other members of your Community (some you know  and some you don't) make new acquaintances and support an event that supports and elevates the Community so absolutely.  However this year it was even more of a heart warming experience for me because my son was asked to be involved as well. So it was something that the artist in me always delights in but this time the mother in me was also given an opportunity to share that experience with my son which was thrilling.  

Thank you Edward and Catherine for your time.  

E.O.V Team

Joni Miner, Joey Blacquierre and Shawna Chappell

Eye Opening Views