Monday 22 August 2011

L.A. Noire Review (PC, XBOX360, PS3) (Rockstar Games)

Hi, today, I am reviewing the videogame L.A. Noire.  This game takes place in Los Angeles in the 1940's.  In this game, you play as a war hero named Cole Phelps.  When you begin, you start out in patrol, which is the tutorial on how to play the game.  After you finish the tutorial, you get promoted to a detective.  As a detective, you start out in traffic, all together there are four different desks you can work at, Traffic, Homocide, Vice, and Arson.  After completing one case, you move onto the next, until you get promoted to the next desk.  During the game, you can solve street crimes. In order to find street crimes, you drive arounnd the city in any Police vehicle, and when you hear a call on the radio, you have to press a button, what button depends on what system you own, and when you do, you drive to that crime with the siren on, or off if you prefer, depending on what crime it is, you may have to do a number of things to solve it, also, you can press and hold down on a button, once again depending on your game system, to have your partner drive to a street crime, or anywhere you want, your partner can act as your chaufeur and drive you around all over the city.  In this game, there are high speed car chases through the streets, shootouts in alleys or in buildings.  You can interview suspects at scenes, and when you do, keep an eye on their body language and face to see if they're lying, holding something back, or telling the truth.  Only accuse someone of lying when you have the evidence to back it up.  You can go back and replay cases to get a better rank, or get something you may have missed, or to solve missed street crimes.  That's L.A. Noire in a nutshell.

Thursday 4 August 2011


Cody Smith

In the summer, it is hot, and a perfect time to go to the beach, 
or to spend as much time as you can out doors, 
the activities that are perfect for the summer months are 
swimming, camping, and various others.  
I like and dislike summer because of the heat, 
but the heat can be taken care of with a trip to the pool, 
or drinking cold water, soda or eating ice cold ice cream. 
 Summer is also great because of how fresh the air is.  
The weather is perfect for sitting outside playing with dogs, 
reading a favorite book, 
or even taking a nap outside on a hot summer day.  
One of the best places to go in the summer is the beach, 
it's a great way to relax and to cool down on a hot summer day.  
Another thing to do at the beach is to sit or lay back and read a good book.


Cody Smith

Space is a vast expanse that has billions upod billions of Stars, Planets, Comets, and a multitude of other things that are very interesting and jaw dropping.  Space is never ending, and a beautiful thing to behold, I'd love to one day go up and explore the vastness of Space.

The Sky

Cody Smith

The sky is clear and blue with light fluffy clouds.  The sky lights up in the day, then becomes pitch black in the dead of night, it is red in sunrise and sunset, the sky is a miracle to behold and quite beautiful.  It is one of the many wonders of the universe, and it's very peaceful to sit down and look up at the sky, or to lay down and look at the sky as well, it brings a person peace just staring up at it.